GloriMed Consulting : conseil, expertise et stratégie, pour un accès personnalisé au marché des dispositifs médicaux.

LPPR registration (Liste des Produits et Prestations Remboursables).

Reimbursements are made by the French health insurance and to obtain a reimbursement the medical devices are subject to additional assessments in addition to the CE Marking requirements, that depend on registration procedures and different pricing systems.

The LPPR code concerns medical devices for individual use and if appropriate any additional service to ensure their correct use.

The LPPR code is divided into four parts:

Section I: materials and treatments at home, dietary products, items for dressings.
Section II: external orthotics and prostheses (spectacles, frames, auditory aids, ocular and facial prostheses, orthopedic shoes, corsets, prostheses for amputation, etc.).
Section III: implantable medical devices (internal prostheses).
Section IV: mobility aids for physically-handicapped people.

LPPR registration is for a maximum duration of 5 years and can be renewed.

GloriMed Consulting will assist you from the preparation to the submission of the files - Obtaining and maintaining the LPPR reimbursement - Application for registration - Renewal of registration - Modification of the conditions of registration.

Our services:  

Determination of the registration procedure best suited to your needs
Evaluation of the technical features and specifications of the medical device.

Coordination of the registration or the renewal of registration
Verification that the product is in conformity with the LPPR specifications.
Management of the compulsory declarations to the relevant authority responsible for monitoring the
technical specifications.
Regulatory monitoring.

Consultation, and follow-up of missions with the relevant authorities
Follow-up of the file after the submission, support, price negociations, discussions.

Our additional services:  
Literature review,
Current available clinical data,
Selection and ordering of articles,
Preparation of the LPPR labels.

Present us with your projects, we will work together on your needs.
Contact us by e-mail at: or via our Contact form.
